Reference & More

Additional Reference Materials, Skills and Languages.

You made it, now what? Is there more? Well, yes, in this section we reference all the other.

Bootstrap 4 - Skills


References - 4.0

References: Below we will go over 'other' references in detail including those noted above: Utilities, Grid System, Classes, Templates and Other. This section is meant to be a catch-all for all Bootstrap 4 references. We will start V5 next month offering the next iteration for the masses to test, develop and deploy. Before than, we will continue to tweak this section adding/subtracting additional resource materials and those items that were deprecated to help push the stable Bootstrap 4 code we have today. Finally, while we do throw a bunch of classes at you, this is meant to be a reference section, forget something just simply bookmark us, handy for when you need the reference now or later. Come and go as you please, develop & test what you can. Leave a comment if you have a question or update to provide. Happy to include your feedback where we can!


Classes: 4.2

More on Bootstrap classes below, class ALPHA-NUMERICAL. Filterts coming soon.

Element Class Example Notes
Typography .active Active Active Link with color - includes Navbar, List Groups, Buttons, Dropdowns, Pagination and Carousels
Alert .alert Alerts Alert container
Alert .alert-* Alerts Alert container with multiple subclasses for styling Color (Dark, Light, Danger, Info, Primary, etc.
Alert .alert-dismissiable Alerts Close alert container
Alert .alert-heading Alerts Color added to alert container element, specific to the class or the element the class has been 'defined'
Utilities .align-baseline Align default alignment along the baseline of the containing element
Utilities .align-* Align Alignment type: top, middle, bottom or text-top, text-bottom
Utilities .align-content-* Align Alignment content type: around, *-around, center, *-center, end, *-end, start, *-start, end, *-end
Utilities .align-items-* Align Alignment items type: baseline, stretch, *-stretch, around, *-around, center, *-center, end, *-end, start, *-start, end, *-end
Utilities .align-self-* Align Alignment items type: baseline, stretch, *-stretch, around, *-around, center, *-center, end, *-end, start, *-start, end, *-end
Badge .badge Badges Default class, creates a badge element with color and rounded border
Badge .badge-* Badges Color included: danger, dark, info, light, pill, primary, secondary, success, warning
Color .bg-* Background Color Color background, included: danger, dark, info, light, pill, primary, secondary, success, warning
Typography .blockquote Blockquote Quoted content or text container, padding and color added to highlight container quote
Typography .blockquote-footer Blockquote Quoted footer area, separate from the quote itself. Typically, we(subjective/objective) use blockquote/blockquote-footer to distinguish between quoted content and author. Giving meaning through space, color and contextual weight.
Utilities .border # Border class adds borders/subtracts borders to a container such a div elment or image element.
Utilities .border-* # Borders include: danger, dark, info, light, primary, secondary, success, warning, white, 0, top, right, bottom, left, -0 (meaning no border i.e. .border-top-0)
Pagination .breadcrumb # Pagination element giving guidance or location within the web architecture visible to the browser.
Pagination .breadcrumb-item # Pagination styling or treament within the pagination class. An item within the breadcrumb navigation
Buttons .btn # Class to create a button element
Buttons .btn-block # Class to create a button element within the block element
Buttons .btn-* # Button treament includes: dark, danger, primary, secondary, info, light, success, warning, etc.
Buttons .btn-* (size) # Button size includes: small, medium and large
Buttons .btn-outline-* # Button outline treament includes: dark, danger, primary, secondary, info, light, success, warning, etc.
Button Groups .btn-group-* # Button group element, which group buttons together both on the x-axis or y-axis if you so desire
Cards .cards # creates a card container for which card containers/items will live
Cards .card-* # Cards include:dark, danger, primary, secondary, info, light, success, warning, etc.
Cards .card-body # Card body (container element)
Cards .card-columns # Card (container element) for which cards are created in grid form in 'columns'
Cards .card-deck # Card (container element) for which cards are created in grid form that are both equal in height and width
Cards .card-group # Card (container element) for which cards are equal height/width without x-axis margins
Cards .card-header # Card (container element) header
Cards .card-header-* # Card (container element) header tabs and pills, which might offer a navigational treatment within the header
Cards .card-img-* # Card (container element) Image is placed in within the card container. Includes: top, bottom, overlay
Cards .card-title # Card (container element) title or heading
Cards .card-subtitle # Card (container element) subtitle element with styling, placed after the initial title or heading
Carousel .carousel # Carouseled container with sub containers containing visible and hidden elements, virtually creating a flipbook or slideshow treatment
Carousel .carousel-caption # Carousel text provided on each subcontainer, indicating purpose or describing each visible container.
Carousel .carousel-control-* # Carousel navigation container and direction element. Includes: control-next, control-next-icon, control-prev, control-prev-icon
Carousel .carousel-control-* # Carousel sub navigational elements to again describe to the user where the content lives within the parent container
Carousel .carousel-inner # Carousel sub container, or slide
Carousel .carousel-item # Carousel sub container content, or slide content
Utilities .clearfix # Clears fixed elements, i.e. floats
Utilities .close # Close function, treatment typically reserved for modals and alerts which require user interaction to move passed the prompt or sub-modal overlay of the primary interaction
Grid .col-* # Column created within the Grid container which includes: auto, -* (column number, between 1 and 12), small-*, medium-*, large-*, xlarge-*.
Collapse .collapse # Show/Hide Container, known as collapse. Collapse can be used in an accordion treament as well where multiple collapsible containers can be tied together.
Container .container # Generic container class in Bootstrap, fixed widths and x-axis margins. Breakpoint screen widths.
Container .container-fluid # Generic container class in Bootstrap, full width; 100%. Regardless of screen/screenwidth.
Container .container-* # Generic container options, widths defined as: small, medium, large, xlarge
Custom Forms .custom-control # Base class, creates a generic container for forms or custom forms
Custom Forms .custom-control-* # Form control elements, including input, inline and label
Custom Forms .custom-file # File upload feature
Custom Forms .custom-file-* # File upload feature includes: input and label.
Custom Forms .custom-* # Custom form elements include, radio, range, select, select-* (sm,lg) and switch.
Typography .disabled # Disabled treatment renders element disabled, adds contextual shadow/text tweaks to show 'disabled'. Applicable across the following elements, buttons, dropdowns, pagination, list groups. Each element is handled slightly different, however, text, text color, weight and opacity remain domainant 'style' changes for the disabled treatment, including removing a:hover on links and list items treated as such.
Dropdowns .dropdown # Menu container, where a menu 'flys out' to show child/subchild navigational elements.
Dropdowns .dropdown-# # Container parts, header, divider
Dropdowns .dropdown-item # Link or button within the dropdown container
Dropdowns .dropdown-item-text # Plain text, contained within the dropdown container
Dropdowns .dropdown-menu # Dropdown menu treatment, default
Dropdowns .dropdown-menu-right # Dropdown menu treatment, right aligned
Dropdowns .dropdown-toggle # Toggle switch allowing the user to preselect or show/hide menu items
Dropdowns .drop* # Drop down menu direction: down, left, right up
Utilities .d-block # Block element
Utilities .d-*-block # Block element, element includes a width defined
Utilities .d-inline # Inline element
Utilities .d-*-inline # Inline element, element includes a width defined
Utilities .d-inline-block # Inline block element
Utilities .d-*-inline-block # Inline block element, element includes a width defined
Utilities .d-flex # Flex/flexbox element
Utilities .d-*-flex # Flex element, element includes a width defined
Utilities .d-inline-flex # Inline flex/flexbox element
Utilities .d-*-inline-flex # Inline flex element, element includes a width defined
Utilities .d-none # Hidden element
Utilities .d-*-none # Hidden element, element hidden at specific widths
Utilities .d-table # Table element
Utilities .d-*-table # Table element, element includes a width defined
Utilities .d-table-cell # Table cell element
Utilities .d-*-table-cell # Table cell element, element includes a width defined
Utilities .d-table-row # Table row element
Utilities .d-*-table-row # Table rowl element, element includes a width defined
Media .embed-responsive # Embedded media scales with screen size; mobile first
Media .embed-responsive-* # Embedded media scales at the following ratios: 1by1, 3by4, 16by9 and 21by9
Media .embed-responsive-item # Embedded media to be 'responsive' or scale, grow according to the ratios defined in the parent class.
Typography .fade # Treatment or effects used to highlight said element, and those include: alerts, containers, embedded media, modals etc.
Utilities .fixed-* # Element fixed top or bottom which will 'force' element top or bottom
Flex .flex-column # Flex element on the y-axis
Flex .flex-*-column # Flex element on the y-axis, element includes a width defined
Flex .flex-column-reverse # Reversed Flex element on the y-axis
Flex .flex-*-column-reverse # Reversed Flex element on the y-axis, element includes a width defined
Flex .flex-fill # Flex element displays columns with equal widths
Flex .flex-*-fill # Flex element displays columsn with equal widths, element includes a width defined
Flex .flex-grow-0|1 # Flex container consumes available space
Flex .flex-nowrap # Flex element will not wrap to next line
Flex .flex-*-nowrap # Flex element will not wrap to next line, element includes a width defined
Flex .flex-shrink-0|1 # Flex container shrinks where necessary, when space is not available
Flex .flex-row # Flex row element
Flex .flex-*-row # Flex row element, element includes a width defined
Flex .flex-row-reverse # Reversed flex row element
Flex .flex-*-row-reverse # Reversed flex row element, element includes a width defined
Flex .flex-wrap # Flex wrap element
Flex .flex-*-wrap # Flex wrap element, element includes a width defined
Flex .flex-wrap-reverse # Reversed flex wrap element
Flex .flex-*-wrap-reverse # Reversed flex wrap element, element includes a width defined
Flex .float-* # Float elements left, right or none
Flex .float-*-* # Float elements left or right, position determined by screen type
Typography .font-italic # Italized text
Typography .font-weight-* # Text weight: normal light, lighter, bold, and bolder
Forms .form-check # Checkbox container
Forms .form-check-* # Elements contained within the forms container, include: inline, input, label
Forms .form-control # Container for which form elements live in a responsive state
Forms .form-control-* # Container elements include: file, small, large, range, plaintext
Forms .form-group # Form element container
Forms .form-inline # Form element container defined as inline and left-aligned
Forms .form-row # Form element container defined as responsive columns with margin sizes which modify column treatment
Typography .h* # Title Text; headline elements defined as h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
Utilities .h-* # Height sizing defined as 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%
Images .img-fluid # Image container, responsive or full width
Images .img-thumbnail # Image container, thumbnail treatment or with borders
Typography .initialism # Building on the Abbreviation style, this treatment is smaller in size and acts as a 'secondary' styling treatment to the abbreviation
Input Group .input-group # Input container containing contextual elements inline with the textual elements.
Input Group .input-group-* # Input container containing types: append, small, large, prepend, text.
Input Group .input-* # Input types: small, large
Forms .invalid-* # Validation triggers feedback or tooltips when form are invalid
Forms .is-* # Valid or invalid form elements, this 'is' reference is generated on the post or get response coming back from the server; deeming an input valid or invalid
Jumbotron .jumbotron # Main 'billboard' for a website, treatment is such that it draws the attention of the user as the main interaction or conversion (provided feedback, sign up, login, purchase, view more details etc.) point.
Jumbotron .jumbotron-fluid # Responsive, full width, main 'billboard' treatment
Flex .justify-content-*-* # Flexbox alignment types, default (.justify-content-*), around, between, center, end, start
Typography .lead # Leading, leading class allows the dev to modify both the font size and baseline/line height when appended as a class modifier
List Group .list-group # List grouping and treatment
List Group .list-group-* # List grouping item along with treatment variations, flush, horizontal, item, item-action, item-danger, item-dark, item-info, item-light, item-primary, item-success, item-warning
Typography .list-inline # List grouping placed items 'inline' left-to-right within the same row
Typography .list-inline-item # List grouping item which is then placed inline
Typography .list-unstyled # List grouping 'unstyled' item fall where they may, which is then placed inline
Typography .mark # Highlighted/highlighting treatment
Media Objects .media # Media objects are contained within the media class
Media Objects .media-body # Media object content container
Modals .modal # Modal container which will sit above the main or primary content when clicked. Modal comes to the forfront of the page pushing primary content to a secondary position.
Modals .modal-body # Secondary Modal container where markup lives
Modals .modal-content # Primary Modal container and treatment where the modals header, body, footer and complmentary markup lives
Modals .modal-dialog-* # Two variations, centered and scrollable, one allows content to fall in the center of the page, where the other allows scrollers or scrollable content to be added to the modal.
Modals .modal-footer # Secondary Modal container where a secondary close button might live or another actionable link to drive the user to some featured content.
Modals .modal-header # Secondary Modal container where the modal title lives and a primary close button might live to drive the user back to the primary content; closing the modal
Modals .modal-* # Modal sizing, small, large, xlarge
Utilities .m-* / m-*-# # Margin classes are as follows, m (all), mt, mr, mb, ml (top, right, bottom and left). Mx - margin x-axis, my - margin y-axis and mx-auto which is margin on both sides of the container forcing the container to the center.
Tabs .nav nav-tabs # Tabbed Menu, tabbed container
Tabs .nav nav-pills # Navigation pills, pills container
Tabs .nav-justified # Navigation tab or pills, justified
Navbar .navbar # Navigation bar container
Navbar .navbar-nav # Navigation links contained within the navbar container
Navbar .navbar-brand # Brand or Logo included within the navbar container
Navbar .navbar-expand-* # Navbar container collapse at defined width or breakpoints
Navbar .navbar-* # Dark, light treatment, text will complement background color defined in the navbar
Navbar .navbar-text # Vertical alignment/padding for elements that are in 'plaintext' holding true to the treatment with those that are links.
Navbar .navbar-toggler # Navbar button (taking the mobile first approach) 'hamburger menu' treatment for smaller screens
Navbar .nav-* # Link or Items; Nav links and items within the navbar container
Navbar .needs-validation # Upon submission, validation treatment
Grid .no-gutters # Gutters and gutter treatment spacing for columns are removed
Pagination .page-item # Item within the Pagination container
Pagination .page-link # Link within the Pagination container
Pagination .pagination-* # Pagination container including various sizes, default, small and large
Helpers .pre-scrollable # Scrollable element, scroll featuer attached on the y-axis
Progress Bar .progress # Progress bar container
Progress Bar .progress-bar # Progress bar feature created within the container
Progress Bar .progress-bar-animated # Adds 'animation' treatment to the progress bar
Progress Bar .progress-bar-striped # Adds 'striped' treatment to the progress bar
Utilities .p-* / p-*-# # Padding classes are as follows, p (all), pt, pr, pb, pl (top, right, bottom and left). Px - padding x-axis, py - padding y-axis and px-auto which is padding on both sides of the container.
Utilities .rounded # Rounded corner treatment added to an element
Utilities .rounded-* # Rounded corner treatment default and the following variations: bottom, circle, left, right, top, 0 (none)
Grid .row # Responsive columns container
Grid .row-cols-* # Note number of columns that shall be presented within the container
Utilities .shadow-* # Shadow treatment, including the following variants: default, none, small, large
Typography .small # Small text, typically called out in title text and display text where a smaller font might be used to draw out the main headline or title. Providing color to support the headline, title text or display text.
Spinners .spinner-border # Spinner feature created
Spinners .spinner-border-* # Spinner feature with the followin variations, grow, grow-sm, border-small
Utilities .sr-only # Screen reader device specific, browser will not display that with which is contained within the class container.
Utilities .sr-only-focusable # Screen reader device specific, browser will not display that with which is contained within the class container.
Utilities .sticky-top # Sticky element 'fixed' to the top of the page
Utilities .stretched-link # Parent specific link only clickable within the parent element
Tabs .tab-content # Tab element where the 'tab content' which is clickable, presents the content within this tab when selected
Tabs .tab-pane # Tab element pane, along with 'tab content' which again is clickable content. This creates the show/hide tabbed content, presents the content within this tab when selected
Table .table # Table container and container treatment
Table .table-* # Table container and container treatment including the following: active, bordered, borderless, condensed, dark, hover, responsive-* (breakpoint specific), striped
Typography .text-break # Break along text, ultimately preserving the responsive framework
Colors .text-* # Other variations for the text class, danger, dark, info, light, muted, primary, secondary, success, warning, white
Typography .text-* # Other variations for the text class, capitalize, center, *-center, decoration-none, hide, justify, *-left, lowercase, nowrap, reset, right, *-right, uppercase
Table .thead-* # Table header styles include dark and light
Toast .toast # Toast container
Toast .toast-* # Toast body and/or header
Forms .valid-* # Form validation, feedback and tooltip
Utilities .visible # Visible element
Forms .was-validated # Form validation treatment
Utilities .w-* # Width sizing defined as 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%


Utilities - 4.1

Perhaps utilities might be better suited here in the reference section, or under the advanced section of content... the reason we are calling this out here is more for those who might not be a proficient in CSS (Cascading Stylesheets) and would like to see the current classes included in the framework. Again, perhaps we move this around in the near/far future. Today, however, we add this as a reference as though you (the developer) might have more than the layman's experience with CSS and choose to create and modify your own styles. In any case, let's begin...

Borders: 4.1.1

Borders, Non-Borders, Border Radius, Rounded Square/Circles

  • .border - Border class, default black border, 1px weight
  • .border border-0 - Border class, no border or border size=0
  • .border border-primary - Border with Primary Color
  • .border border-secondary - Border with Secondary Color
  • .rounded - Border with rounded cornersPrimary Color
  • .rounded-circle - Border with rounded corners which makes a circle
Borders: So, borders. Borders can be overwhelming just when using color to deligniate space, weight or balance. We did not include the various border combinations, borderless options, colors, sizes, weights and decoration styles, all still apply. We wanted to streamline what you can implement now, and run with what you might have. Let's start with these and progress from there. you say...

Code Snippet - Borders

<div class='example border p-5'>
<div class='container-fluid'>
<span class='border logo3 p-3'><i class='fas fa-user'></i></span>
<span class='border border border-0 logo3 p-3'><i class='fas fa-user'></i></span>
<span class='border border-primary logo3 p-3'><i class='fas fa-user'></i></span>
<span class='border border-secondary logo3 p-3'><i class='fas fa-user'></i></span>
<span class='border rounded-circle logo3 p-3'><i class='fas fa-user'></i></span>

Floats: 4.1.2

Floats, Clearfix

  • .clearfix - clears floats, both left and right.
  • .float-left - floats container left
  • .float-right - floats container right
  • .float-sm-right - floats container right, small breakpoint
  • .float-none - no float
  • .mx-auto - margin x-axis - auto
Floats: Floats, Clears, Auto Margins (covered in more detail below)...

Left Right

Margin Auto

Code Snippet - Floats

<div class='example border p-5'>
<div class='container-fluid'>
<div class='clearfix'>
<span class='float-left'><i class='fas fa-ghost logo'></i> Left</span>
<span class='float-right'><i class='fas fa-ghost logo'></i> Right</span>
<div class='mx-auto' style='width:250px'>
<span class='float-none'><i class='fas fa-ghost logo'></i> Margin Auto</span>

Spacing: 4.1.3

Widths, Heights, Padding, Margin, Negative Margin

  • .w-25 - width 25%
  • .w-50 - width 50%
  • .w-75 - width 75%
  • .w-100 - width 10%
  • .h-25 - height 25%
  • .h-50 - height 50%
  • .h-75 - height 75%
  • .h-100 - height 100%
  • .m-1 - margin set at 1 or .25rem (~4px)
  • .p-1 - padding set at 1 or .25rem (~4px)
  • .mt-1 - margin top set at .25rem
  • .pt-1 - padding top set at .25rem
  • .mb-1 - margin bottom set at .25rem
  • .pb-1 - padding bottom set at .25rem
  • .n1 - negative margin set at 1 or .25rem (~4px)
  • .n2 - negative margin set at 1 or .5rem (~8px)
Spacing: Widths, Heights, Padding, Margin, Negative Margin...

Max Height

Max Height

|| margin - all sides
|| padding - all sides
|| margin - top
|| padding - top
|| margin - bottom
|| padding - bottom
|| negative margin - 5
|| negative margin - 10 (~8px)

Code Snippet - Floats

<div class='example border p-5'>
<div class='container-fluid'>
<div class='w-25 bg-primary'> 25% </div>
<div class='w-50 bg-secondary'> 50% </div>
<div class='w-75 bg-primary'> 75% </div>
<div class='w-100 bg-secondary'> 100% </div>
<div class='mw-100 bg-dark'> Max Height </div>

Shadow: 4.1.4


  • .shadow - shadow class, default proportions
  • .shadow p-4 mb-4 bg-white - shadow with padding and margin
  • .shadow-sm p-4 mb-4 bg-white - shadow small, with padding and margin
  • .shadow-lg p-4 mb-4 bg-white - shadow large, with padding and margin
Shadow: Shadow, shadow box, drop-shadow etc. Again, we look at complementary coloring in this case 'grays' to separate core content and background from the larger background bringing focus and refinement to the content in review.

Card: Secondary title text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Card: Secondary title text

Vestibulum id metus ac nisl purus in suspendisse.

Card: Secondary title text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Card: Secondary title text

Vestibulum id metus ac nisl purus in suspendisse.

Card: Secondary title text

Vestibulum id metus ac nisl purus in suspendisse.

Code Snippet - Shadows

<div class='example border p-5'>
<div class='container-fluid'>
<div class='row d-flex justify-content-center'>
<div class='card-deck'>
<div class='card mb-2 shadow p-4 mb-4 bg-white'>
<div class='card-body'>
<h5 class='card-title'><i class='fas fa-clipboard'></i> Card: <small>Secondary title text</small></h5>
<p class='card-text'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>
<div class='card-footer'>
<small class='text-muted'>Last updated 3 mins ago</small>

Alignment: 4.1.5


  • .align-baseline - align elements (inline, inline-block, inline-table and table cells)
  • .align-top - align 'ditto' elements, top
  • .align-bottom - align 'ditto' elements bottom
Alignment: Alignment... baseline, top, middle, bottom, text-top and text-bottom. All alignment classes are element types (inline, inline-block, inline-table, table cells) whihc can be 'aligned' as you see fit. We've provided a few, however those mentioned at the start of this paragraph are included. Give it a go!

Let's start with a new paragraph with no meaning.

Absolutely no meaning whatsoever. Meaning only derived from the words flowing from brain to fingers to keys. Not sure this is enough text just yet, so we will carry on as if we have a meaning for this paragraph text. We chose not to use our favorite 'all letter' sentence "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog",only because we've used the example enough times to simply to make anoter choice. A wise choice that is! So, wrap up this meaningless paragraph with 'Happy Alignment Class Testing'.

Code Snippet - Alignment

<div class='example border p-5'>
<div class='container-fluid'>
<p>Let's start with a new paragraph with no meaning.<p>
<span class='align-baseline'>Absolutely no meaning whatsoever. Meaning only derived from the words</span>
<span class='align-top'>flowing from brain to fingers to keys. Not sure this is enough text just yet, so we will carry on as if we have a meaning for this paragraph text.</span>
<span class='align-bottom'>We chose not to use our favorite 'all letter' sentence</span>
<span class='align-text-top'>'The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog', only because we've used the example enough times to simply to make anoter choice.</span>
<span class='align-text-bottom'>A wise choice that is! So, wrap up this meaningless paragraph with 'Happy Alignment Class Testing'.</span>

Embedded: 4.1.6

Embedded Media (Responsive)

  • .embed-responsive embed-responsive-1by1 -
  • .embed-responsive-item -
  • .embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9 -
Embedded Media: Good ole' embedded media, we still struggle with embedded media; not video compression, video exportation (via Adobe Premiere), hosting space, memory, harddisk space... what gives? Seriously? Side battle continues, we have some 'bugs' to work out. In the meantime, check out the embedded media stuff below. We included 16x9 aspect ratio as the base, while skipping on the 1x1, 4x3 and 21x9 screen ratios


Code Snippet - Embedded Media

<div class='example border p-5'>
<div class='container-fluid'>
<div class='embed-responsive border embed-responsive-16by9'> <span class='sr-only'>loading...</span> <video preload='' controls='' class='embed-responsive-item' src=''> </video> </div>

Visibility: 4.1.7

Visibility, Screen Readers

  • .visible -
  • .invisible -
  • .sr-only -
Visibility: Simple right, visible or not visible(invisible) that is the question? Well, need a class to hide text without commenting out the code. There is a class called 'sr-only' for screenreaders. More on that in the future. Point being, if your browser can't render what is being asked, sr will read aloud the text as described in the code..

This is a great visible message showing the 'visible' class.
I'm a class just about the invisible class which will not be visible to the browser. To view, check the source code.

One final sentence for spacing as there is an 'invisible' class container just above this which has been masked by the 'invisible' class.

Code Snippet - Visibility

<div class='example border p-5'>
<div class='container-fluid'>
<div class='visible'>This is a great visible message showing the 'visible' class.</div>
<div class='visible'>I'm a class just about the invisible class which will not be visible to the browser. To view, check the source code.</div>
<div class='invisible'>Yes, I'm the class that can't be seen or displated by the browser. However, like we mentioned above, to see what we have written here; check the source code!</div>
<div class='visible'>One final sentence for spacing as there is an 'invisible' class container just above this which has been masked by the 'invisible' class.</div>

Fixed Classes: 4.1.8

Fixed Classes

  • .fixed-top -
  • .fixed-bottom -
  • .sticky-top -
Fixed Classes: We use both Fixed-Top and Fixed-Bottom classes for our primary and secondary navigation elements. Or atleast until we create a new class like 'sticky-top for our secondary navigation. For some future date, to be defined in some future date. This is a quick section, if you're looking for a way to fix elements to both top and bottom of the page, here it is...

Code Snippet - Fixed Classes

<div class='example border p-5'>
<div class='container-fluid shadow-lg noSpace'>
<iframe style='width:100%; height:800px; border:0px;' src='navElements.php'></iframe> </div>

Close: 4.1.9


  • .close - close class, create a container for close and close iconography. Helpful for show/hide elements such as Toast, Collapse and Modals
Close: Modals typically need an escape character, button etc to return the user to the main/primary interaction. We like to include the close class with other forms of ' returning the user' such as simply clicking off modal or choosing to select the close button at the button of the modal container. This gives the user roughly 3 common ways to 'return' to the main content.

Code Snippet - Close

<div class='example border p-5'>
<div class='container-fluid shadow-lg noSpace'>
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<h4 class='modal-title'>Lorem Ipsum</h4>
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<h5>Presenting Lorem Ipsum</h5>
<p>Sed sed risus pretium quam vulputate. Porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus quis varius quam. Ac turpis egestas sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra massa. Sed viverra ipsum nunc aliquet bibendum.</p>
<h6><small>Updated 3 mins ago</small></h6>
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Block: 4.1.10

Block, Flex

  • .d-block -
  • .d-block-sm -
  • .d-block-xl -
  • .d-flex -
  • .d-inline-flex -
  • . -
Block: Block, flex (flexbox...

||D-Block Small ||D-Block Small
||D-Block xLarge ||D-Block xLarge
||D-Inline-Flex ||D-Inline-Flex ||D-Inline-Flex ||D-Inline-Flex

Code Snippet - Block, Flex

<div class='example border p-5'>
<div class='container bg-dark text-white'>
<span class='d-sm-block bg-lightTurquoise m-1 p-3'> ||D-Block Small </span>
<span class='d-sm-block bg-lightTurquoise m-1 p-3'> ||D-Block Small </span>

<span class='d-xl-block bg-turquoise m-1 p-3'> ||D-Block xLarge </span>
<span class='d-xl-block bg-turquoise m-1 p-3'> ||D-Block xLarge </span>

<span class='d-flex bg-fireRed m-2 p-3'> ||D-Flex </span>

<span class='d-inline-flex bg-secondary p-3'> ||D-Inline-Flex </span>
<span class='d-inline-flex bg-secondary p-3'> ||D-Inline-Flex </span>
<span class='d-inline-flex bg-secondary p-3'> ||D-Inline-Flex </span>
<span class='d-inline-flex bg-secondary p-3'> ||D-Inline-Flex </span>

Global Airtraffic

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