Dive right in, let's get started! We have 4 options to choose from, Containers, Basics, Advanced and Reference. Let's start with the containers classes.
Let's get bootstrap'n, hop on over to the containers section. More than an intro per say, we dive right into the Bootstrap classes in which 'contain' things or data. Example would be the Jumbotron, or the most important section of the site, the main message container.
We highlight the following classes within the Containers Section: Containers, Grid Systems, Tables, Jumbotron, Cards, Nav, Navbar, Scrollspy, Flexbox, Inputs, Input Groups, Custom Forms
Moving from containers or containment... Basic bootstrap'n classes or default sizes help you quickly get upto speed on what to place in the containers: i.e. typography, colors, buttons and more. Let's go!
We highlight the following classes within the Basics Section: Default(s), Colors, Alerts, Buttons, Buttong Groups, Pagination, Breadcrumbs, Images, Tooltips, Popover, Icons
Advanced bootstrap'n... more things like modals, carousels, progress bars and badging which one might assume may be back-end driven or dyanmic data driven. Advance your Bootstrap'n experience.
We highlight the following classes within the Advanced Section: Collapse, Media Objects, Carosuels, Modals, Toast, Progress Bar, Badges, Spinners, Filters, Templates, Other
Need source references? We've got your references right here. Don't forget and if you do, we always have the right references to fall back on. Sieze The Day!
We highlight the following classes within the Reference Section: All Bootstrap Classes, References, Utilities, Borders, Radius, Floats, Clearfix, Spacing, Shadow, Alignment, Embedded Media, Visibility, Fixed, Close, Block, Fix, Classes
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